
Showing posts from April, 2020

A little thought on a rainier day...

I hope everyone is staying safe and sane during these troubled times. I just wanted to hop on to wish everyone well. In such uncertain times it is important to support each other to make our lives a little bit more colourful, just like those rainbows that have been brightening up our homes. So in this spirit, if you would like to request a short piece of poetry, or simply have an idea for a good theme on which to base a piece of writing, do get in touch! I’m more than happy to write a personal piece for family members and loved ones. Alternatively, if there’s something about the world of literature which you’ve always wanted to know about, or there’s an issue that you feel isn’t discussed enough, I’d like to hear from you too! Let’s use this spare time to do something great. Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives. Emily x